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[Company Name]: GODAI KAIHATSU Co.,Ltd.
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An integrated model simulating the initiation and motion of earthquake & rain induced rapid landslides


Version 2.1


Price 350,000(JPY) for non ICL member
Discount price for ICL member(ask)

  Manufacturer:International Consortium on Landslides

  Seller:GODAI KAIHATSU Co.,Ltd.



The Free Trial Download Leaflet Download Theoretical_Background_of_LS-RAPID Download

This simulation model has been developed to assess the initiation and motion of landslides triggered by earthquakes, rainfalls or the combined effects of rainfalls and earthquake with the following characteristics.
○It is the first simulation model to reproduce the initiation process and the runout process from stabile state until deposition within the same model.
○ It is the simulation model based on the key parameter, shear resistance at the steady state with physical meaning, which can be measured or estimated from experiments.
○ Landslides can be triggered by seismic loading either using real seismic records or simple cyclic waves under a certain pore water pressure (pore pressure ratio) within LS-RAPID.
○This model can simulate the entrainment of unstable deposits along the runout path, which increases landslide volume and hazard area.

Samples of simulation
  Simple Modelling(movie)
  Geographical Modelling (movie)

 Main Function

Landslide simulation on seismic loading   ◆Landslide simulation on heavy rainfall

Set the seismic loading force as an inducement of the landslide. You can set a constant seismic load or a fluctuating seismic load over time. You can choose one of the following seismic operation methods.
○ Static ○ Cyclic ○ Seismic
In the Static method, the seismic coefficient varies linearly. In the Cyclic method, the seismic coefficient varies as a sine wave while the value of the amplitude changes linearly. In the Seismic method, the seismic coefficient varies based on the actual seismic wave form data.


In this simulation showing the rainfall in mm/10min unit and the pore pressure, it’s easy to understand graphically when the landslide will occur at how much rainfall.




◆The realization of the progressive failure of

   landslide filling and excavating the current

  slope surface

  The calculation of two dimensional stability



“LS-RAPID” can analyze the progressive failure of landslide when the landslide mass travel through neighborhood area filling and excavating the current slope surface.


“LS-RAPID” can perform stability analysis for arbitrary crossing plane.



◆Three ways of sliding data input combination   The grahiccal recognition of sliding surface
  You can make a landslide model by    

You can easily check the sliding surface in view window and it will improve your work efficiently.


・Heights of ground surface and sliding
・Heights of ground surface and thickness of failure mass
・Heights of sliding surface and thickness of failure mass
◆Various ways of graphical expression   Output of arbitrary crossing plane

LS-RAPID can show the contour lines of ground surface, mesh displaying, actual shape of sliding mass, sphere shape of sliding mass etc.

    LS-RAPID can output a drawing file of crossing plane you chose arbitrary crossing line in ground plan.




 Various data input

You can input various data, for example DEM(Digital Elevation Model) for topography and layer and also image file for overlapping an aerial photograph.
  ● topograhy,sliding surface ・・・ DEM
  ● Image data        ・・・ BMP, JPEG

 Examples of analyzing data with LS-RAPID




 The result of the recurrent analysis of Hiroshima Asaminami Yagi Debris flow

 Mudslide in August in 2014


 Basis of LS-RAPID

All Limit Equilibrium Stability Analysis methods such as Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Spenser,Morgenstern-Price assume that the whole sliding surface will fail at once. However, in large scale landslides, weak zones or areas subjected by higher pore pressure will firstly fail, and the failure area will expand around the initial failure zone, then finally a whole landslide mass will start to move. This simulation model can reproduce this “Progressive failure phenomenon”.
The basic equation of LS-RAPID is established on the assumption in which all potential energy is consumed as the frictional energy at the sliding surface. However, the landslide mass may lose kinetic energy during collision of sub-masses within a landslide mass,momentum transfer to engulfed materials and the movement passing over vertical gaps/falls,horizontal bent or other not-smooth ground surface. The model incorporates a non-frictional energy loss function only for a specific mesh and a specific time step by the threshold values of extraordinary velocity or/and thickness.
So far we had no choice but to guess how far the landslide mass will go down if the slope failures.But “LS-RAPID” solves this problem clearly and calculate the travel length.
“LS-RAPID” has an excellent visualization and it is available for various analysis and presentations.



 Option Software LS-Tsunami



< System Requirements >
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These contents are originally dated

at June in 2015.

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In that case:
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